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Starring: India Thain and Boni Adeliyi



Adapted by: Jess Cole and Scarlett Woolfe

Directed by: Scarlett Woolfe

Assistant Director: Jess Cole

Original Music by: Josh Field

Set Design by: Margarita Ieva Loze





After meeting in 1922, Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West began an intense relationship which lasted until Woolf’s suicide in 1941. Their relationship blossomed from tentative admiration into a secretive, furtive, long distance affair, eventually developing into a lasting friendship of the most profound intimacy. 


Fascinated by how this illicit affair was conducted and the nuances it reveals in female relationships, Tanzlar Theatre will create a piece rooted in the lettered conversations between these two writers, two extraordinary women of the 20th century. An exploration of female relationships unbounded by the social tropes of mother-daughter-grandmother-wife, this is female intimacy entirely disconnected from the masculine gaze.


Applying elements of Virginia’s pioneering novel Orlando, which was written for Vita and centres on a gender swapping heroinereduced to a thing that wants is a modern exploration of femme-hood, of person-hood. 








This is about women creating, destroying, feeling and expressing intimacy through their own language, through their own gaze.

Accessible tickets:


Each performance night will have a selection of free tickets allocated for people who are from black ethnic backgrounds, people from the LGBTQI+ communities and those who are from low-economic backgrounds. If you would benefit from this scheme and would like to apply for a ticket, email your contact details and preferred performance date to:

This scheme is run on trust and a first come, first serve basis.


Please also note that we are abiding by the government's Covid guidelines and will be running at a reduced audience capacity.

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